Our Favourite Viking Tattoos

There is no doubt that vikings and tattoos go hand in hand. Whether it is the traditional style or modern representations, to truly embrace the viking style you have to be rocking some ink. Here are just some of our favourite tattoos from around the web. These are just a very few examples of some …

What is a Modern Viking?

There is no doubt that interest in viking culture has boomed in recent years, with the likes of Marvel’s Thor and particularly in thanks to The History Channels ‘The Vikings’. Ragnar Lothbrok, Rollo, Lagertha and Floki have inspired a whole new generation of men and women. Interest in Norse mythology, paganism and viking style has …


Welcome to Viking Style where we’ll share our passion for all thing vikings, beards and men’s fashion. Join us as we embrace our inner warrior on our journey to discover viking history and mythology, style and fashion for the modern viking and of course beards! At Viking Style we’ll share our favourite products, men’s fashion, …

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